If you're ever worried that someone's life is in immediate danger, call 911 or go directly to emergency services.  

Take Action : Spot the Signs : Use "A.L.E.C" -  a simple four-step model designed to help you open a conversation with someone who might be struggling.

A : ASK someone how they’re doing – something as simple as ‘You don’t seem yourself lately – are you feeling OK?’

L : LISTEN. Give them your full attention.  Follow-up questions are good too. They’ll help let him know you’re listening:  “That can’t be easy. How long have you felt that way?”  

E : ENCOURAGE ACTION. Help them to focus on simple things that might improve how they feelAnd if he’s felt low for more than two weeks, suggest he sees his doctor. 

C : CHECK IN. Follow up after your chat. This reinforces that you care and can help you to gauge if they’re feeling any better. 

Don't forget to take an internal check of your own self care. Your well-being, both mentally and physically, are most important if you are going to help and care for anyone else.  Be sure to check out a guide on Self-Care